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Which Countries Offer Low-Cost Education For International Students?

Low-Cost Education For International Students

With so many countries around the world, students who wish to study abroad have tonnes of options to choose from. However, the whole process is not that easy as it may sound because certain factors need to be considered.  This includes the tuition fee and the cost of living. You simply cannot manage in a place that needs you to spend loads of money because there are lots of factors involved. Therefore you will always select a country to study where the fee for tuition is nothing or next to zero. In fact, there are many where you can study and stay paying a minimal fee. The five countries are here are as follows.

  1. Norway

The country of Norway offers low-cost education for international students irrespective of what country a particular student hails from. The classes are held in the native language. Most of the programs, in fact, are offered the Norwegian language. This is the prime reason the students from different countries must be proficient to seek admissions. However, at the Ph.D. and masters level, there are options for the English language.

Norway location

  1. Germany

This country is well renowned for providing low-cost education for international students. International students have to usually pay a fee that is almost next to nothing compared to what they have to pay in some other. When students are applying for courses here, they must keep in mind that while tuitions are free living expenses have to be supported.

study abroad Germany

  1. Iceland

There are at least four universities in the country that charge nothing as far as tuitions are concerned. You only have to pay fewer than five hundred Euros annually as a fee for registration. Though the living cost can slightly be on the higher side when it is education you do not have to bear anything major.

  1. Austria

It is although a known fact that every European student can pursue studies in Austria at a very nominal fee. However, for students who do not belong to the European Union have to pay for their education. This is true as much s the fact that the fee is still on the lower side. The price is not something dramatic that requires you to break the bank, in fact, it is comparatively cheaper.

  1. France

The country is second to Germany when it is the question of free education. However, it offers tuitions to international students at a very minimal cost. The majority of the courses are in French hence it is not much of a hassle if students take preparatory classes. They must be taken before applying to their favorite universities.

Certainly a determining factor

Cost is probably the most dominant factor when it comes to choosing international programs outside. After all who doesn’t wish to pursue their dreams yet with the list of countries stated above it shall not be a problem anymore. One thing that students must do is cost compare every program fee offered in various countries. This is very important because you must acquaint yourself with what is included and what is excluded. The information collected should be from reliable sources so that you can anticipate expenses beforehand.